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Custom Docs Generation

Stencil exposes an output target titled docs-custom where users can access the generated docs json data. This feature can be used to generate custom markdown or to execute additional logic on the comment metadata during the build process.

To make use of this output target, add the docs-custom output target to your Stencil configuration.

import { Config } from '@stencil/core';

export const config: Config = {
  outputTargets: [
      type: 'docs-custom',
      generator: (docsJsonData) => {
          // Custom logic goes here
      strict: true

Configuring docs-custom

docs-custom is able to be configured in a Stencil config with the following properties:

Property Description Default
generator A function that accepts a JsonDocs argument to perform perform custom logic with. N/A
strict An optional field that if set to true, Stencil will output a warning whenever there is missing documentation. false

Custom Docs Data Model


The generated docs JSON data that a generator function will operate on will be the type of JsonDocs. It contains metadata for each component in the project, as well as information used to determine which versions of Stencil/TypeScript generated the metadata.

Property Description
compiler An Object with typescriptVersion (the current TypeScript version), compiler (the Stencil compiler name), and version (the version of Stencil)
components Array with type of JsonDocsComponent[] which contains metadata for each component in a project
timestamp A string containing the current timestamp with a format of YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss


JsonDocsComponent contains the metadata for a single component in a project

Property Description
dirPath The directory containing a Stencil component
fileName The name of the file containing the Stencil component, with no path
filePath The full path of the file containing the Stencil component
readmePath The path to the component's file
usagesDir The path to the component's usage/ directory
encapsulation A component's encapsulation type. Possible values are shadow, scoped, none
tag The component's tag, as set in the @Component decorator
readme The contents of a component's file that are user-generated
docs Description written in top of @Component e.g. /** Documentation Example */. If no JSDoc is present, default to any manually written text in the component's markdown file. Empty otherwise.
overview Description written in top of @Component e.g. /** Documentation Example */
usage An object that maps the name of a markdown file in usage to its contents
props Array of metadata for a component's @Props
methods Array of metadata for a component's @Methodss
events Array of metadata for a component's @Eventss
listeners Array of metadata for a component's @Listenerss
styles Array of metadata for a component's CSS styling information
slots Array of component Slot information, generated from @slot tags
parts Array of component Parts information, generate from @part tags
dependents Array of metadata describing where the current component is used
dependencies Array of metadata listing the components which are used in current component
dependencyGraph Describes a tree of components coupling